6 Healthy Dog Gums Vs Unhealthy. Based on your description the brown substance you are seeing is most likely tartar also known as dental calculus.
Tartar on our teeth poses the same problems as it does in a dogs mouth.
Why are my dogs gums brown. Brown gums can be a sign when certain toxins are seen such as Tylenolonions or garlic. We can also see brown gums as a result of methemoblobinemia - whether congenital toxic or metabolic. Some dogs do develop normal pigmentation changes with their gum color with age but if you believe there is some degree of exercise intolerance this would be a concern.
Brown spots on your dogs gums could be a sign of gum infection such as gingivitis. The best way to make this determination is to have your vet inspect your dog but you can also examine your pet at home. Look for redness or swelling along the gum lines near the brown spots.
You might even see evidence of slight bleeding. Stomatitis gingivitis and growths can often cause a dogs gums to be very sensitive and prone to bleeding. If your dog has bleeding gums he should be checked out by a veterinarian to assess the underlying cause.
A Dogs Gums Turning Brown Means the dog gets angry. Plaque can accumulate on the tooth surface especially in the space underneath the gum line Carmichael says. Gingivitis is also caused by the bodys oral immune system reacting to the plaque bacteria on the teeth.
If your dogs gums are other colors that can also be indicative of additional health problems. These are six warning signs to look for as youre examining your dogs teeth. A buildup of hardened dental plaque is called tartar or dental calculus.
This mineral deposit might but may not always be yellow orange or brown. Typically youll see it along the gum line or on the insides of the teeth. Causes of pale gums range from internal bleeding and anemia to cancer and kidney disease.
Pet parents should regularly check their dogs gums a few times each month. When it comes to our dogs oral health we typically envision a pretty set of pearly white teeth. But teeth are just part of the dental health equation.
You may see hard white or brown buildup on the teeth. This is the calculus causing the inflammation. In more advanced gingivitis the surface of the gums will be bumpy due to pockets of calculus and infection under the gums the gums may be bleeding and your dog may have foul breath.
Why do dogs get gingivitis. If you have Smokers Melanosis your gums cheeks or palate may turn brown or black due to smoking or using drugs that contain nicotine. Smoking can also lead to gum disease and oral cancer which can result in your gums turning purple or brown well discuss this more below.
Finally some medication can also cause your gums to change color. Brown gums in dogs are a sign of methemoglobinemia which is caused by ingesting acetaminophen. While its an effective pain reliever for us it replaces your dogs hemoglobin the substance responsible for carrying oxygen through your dogs bloodstream with methemoglobin which cant carry oxygen.
Based on your description the brown substance you are seeing is most likely tartar also known as dental calculus. Tartar may be colored yellow or brown. It is a hard substance.
Press firmly on your dogs gums with your finger and then release to test how long it takes for the gum to return to its normal colour this should happen within 1 2 seconds If you are unable to check their gums examine the eyes instead by gently pulling the eyelid down and looking at the colour of the tissue. Dark or Muddy-Brown Gums Seeing gums that are more of a grey-brown color is associated with one main condition called methemoglobinemia. Its a mouthful to be sure but important to know because it can be caused by a dog getting into a bottle of Tylenol a common household staple.
Gum and dental disease can lead to the saliva discoloration your dog is experiencing. It can also be indicative of a more serious illness such as an internal issue. For example if your dog vomits up a brown substance this can actually be him vomiting blood.
This should be considered extremely serious and should be addressed immediately. Why Are My Gums Brown. If you have a darker skin tone this could be your natural gum colour.
Dark gums can also indicate that the person has been in direct sunlight for an extended period of time as melanin is naturally present on their teeth and will darken with age or exposure over time giving them deeper looking pearly whites than someone who doesnt. 1 Why Are My Gums Brown. 2 Black Spot Where Gum Meets Tooth.
3 Do Black People Have Black Gums. 4 Does Gum Make Your Teeth Yellow. 5 Gum Color Healthy Dog Gums Vs Unhealthy.
6 Healthy Dog Gums Vs Unhealthy. Dark brown or black gums may be due to a person having more melanin in the body. If a persons gums have always been dark there is no cause for concern.
If the gum color changes over time or if patches of black appear on the gums it could be that something else is going on and not just because of melanin and should be checked by a. While youre looking note any brown or yellow crust along the gumline and whether the gums look inflamed. A dogs breath that smells bad can be an indication of an abscess or other gum disease.
Here are some other indications that your dog needs a trip to the vet according to the AKC. And tartar is like a welcoming sign to dental problems and gum diseaseopening the door to pain illness and a host of expensive medical bills. Why You Need To Worry.
Tartar on our teeth poses the same problems as it does in a dogs mouth. Nasty bacteria start to grow and its only a matter of time before it wreaks havoc. If you suspect your dogs gums are bleeding but dont notice it when brushing here are some things to look for.
The first thing to observe is the gums. The gums will become swollen and change color a beet red or a very dark pink. You might notice that their teeth have turned a dark yellow or even brown.