Mollies are much bigger than guppies so when the molly attacks the guppy he is able to kill the rival guppy and go on with his day. The mating period is one of those situations where you may find your dalmation molly exhibiting some aggressive trait.
A male molly may also become aggressive with the other male population in the tank to mark its territory or for the.
When dalmation mollies want to mate they. Best tank mates for mollies are guppies Platys Danios Tetras Gouramis Swordtails Angelfish Some Cichlids Endlers Minnows Snails and Shrimps. Avoid adding large or aggressive fish species with mollies as they will eat mollies because they are small. Aggressive fish tend to attack mollies and stress them out to the point of death.
All types of mollies can breed together. The only difference is the design and the colors. Mixing different types of mollies are very interesting and lots of fun.
There are many reasons for the mollies to chase each other. Predominantly a male molly might chase its female counterpart to mate. A male molly may also become aggressive with the other male population in the tank to mark its territory or for the.
In this last case females may either want to show they are ready to mate or want to chase away over-eager male fish. Can guppy fish live with Molly fish. Yes guppies and mollies can live together and they actually work well together.
And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. Mollies are much bigger than guppies so when the molly attacks the guppy he is able to kill the rival guppy and go on with his day. If a female doesnt want to mate she will sometimes get attacked by the male in which case a larger molly female would strike back and kill a male guppy suitor.
A pet shop molly is a molly is a molly because they are already hybrids between species. Just for the record there are more than a dozen distinct wild species of mollies that never meet in nature and dont hybridize as a result. One species doesnt even have males anymore but clones itself.
They ease with which they can breed is also why theyre often used as live feed for carnivore fish species which I must admit is a bit unfortunate for mollies. Yet even if breeding molly fish is a breeze if you want the fry to survive to adulthood there are a few steps that you must take to protect their lives especially that adult. There are many reasons for the mollies to chase each other.
Predominantly a male molly might chase its female counterpart to mate. A male molly may also become aggressive with the other male population in the tank to mark its territory or for the attention of females present in the aquarium. In this manner do Dalmation Mollies change color.
If you choose a species that grows larger in size as compared to the mollies and Platies they may show signs of aggression. Another great choice of a tank mate for mollies are Bottom Feeders. These fish are going to be completely fine.
Here are some pictures of her she also has these weird orange speks on her they look like its her scales the people at the fish dep told me she looks she is just a cross with an orange colored molly as well Black Dalmation Molly. Both with some of my zebra danios have 3 of those and 2 Lyretail Mollies in a 20g. Dalmation mollies have a lifespan of 3-5 years which varies depending on the care given to them by the fish keeper.
The mating period is one of those situations where you may find your dalmation molly exhibiting some aggressive trait. However compare to some other types of fish they are usually easy to breed. Will Dalmation mollies and black mollies mate.
Yes all mollies will try to breed with each other weather theyre black white orange spotted lyretailed thats the c shaped tail regular tailed or balloon bellied or any other types of mollies there may be. Why do male guppies chasing pregnant female guppies. So its better to keep one male molly fish with multiple female mollies.
One male molly can easily mate with multiple mollies. The copulation or sexual intercourse of the mollies can be noticed when a male molly fish goes under the female molly. In the case of successful mating mollies can give birth to babies within a few weeks.
Dalmation mollies are a mix of black mollies and probably gold or silver mollies so Im pretty certain that they will have no problem having young together. For fry its best to place the mother in either a breeding net attached to the inside of the tank or place her in a 5 or 10 gallon tank with plenty of cover cause she will eat or try to eat. Certain males have very tall dorsal fins they will raise it very high to attract females- or fight other males- mollies argue a LOT lol.
If you have males females together you will be able to tell very soon. The males will chase females nip their underside trying to court mate. I bought a pair of Dalmation Mollies today.
The man that owns the pet store said he was pretty sure they were male and female but Ive been reading up on them and they both look like females. One of them the one I think is female has a normal tail. I dont know what theyre actually.
Mollies are among the easiest fish to breed in captivity and will normally mate on a regular basis. They are livebearers meaning their eggs grow within their bodies and the fish releases live fry. How to Protect Fish Eggs in an Aquarium.
To encourage breeding the water should be clean and other conditions need to be perfect. One of the most common reasons your Dalmation molly is hiding in the presence of aggressive tankmates. Dalmation mollies are peaceful fish that might not go well with aggressive or territorial fish.
They tend to shy out and keep their cool when they are in the same tank with aggressive fish. If you want to stop them from hiding you. Black mollies do not pair off when they mate.
The males will fertilize any females they come in contact with and they will even try to fertilize females that have already been fertilized. Once the female is fertilized she will keep the eggs inside her body for 60 to 70 days until they hatch. A male Molly fish will chase a female.
Most often you will find your male Molly chasing a female for the purpose of mating. This is perfectly normal behavior and typically doesnt cause any harm to either fish. If your mollies are breeding then youll see an uptick in this kind of aggressively chasing other fish.
As it is also known that female mollies tend to prefer larger male mollies for copulation it is important to ensure your male mollies can grow big enough if you want to breed them. To make sure that they grow big enough you should feed them very good quality flaked foods as well as the occasional feeding of bloodworms and live brine shrimp.