Maintain the bandaging on the spay site and if necessary use a collar or body suit to prevent your dog or cat from accessing the wound area. Knowing what to do if you spot signs of a surgical site infection may prevent serious complications.
A comfortable resting spot is highly valuable.
What to do after spay infection. Maintain the bandaging on the spay site and if necessary use a collar or body suit to prevent your dog or cat from accessing the wound area. Limit the amount of water and food your animal is given. This is to minimize stomach upset due to your pet potentially feeling nauseous from the anesthesia.
Be prepared for your vet to provide some pain-killers for a few days. If you think youre going to struggle to give them then talk to your vet at her discharge appointment. You might need to get some paté or treats to hide the medication in.
Dont allow your dog to swim and dont bathe her until the sutures are removed. This can raise the risk of infection. If you have had your female dog spayed you have just helped to lengthen her life and to protect her from breast and uterine cancer as well as having done something to curb the growing population of unwanted pets.
In addition stitches can let go or be worked loose by the pet. Activity should be kept to a minimum in the days following surgery as this can also disrupt sutures. Re-suturing would be necessary to keep the incision clean and free from external.
How Best to Monitor the Spay and Neuter Surgery Incision. Keeping tabs on the incision is important to ensure its not getting infected. Dog spayneuter infection symptoms include.
Redness around the incision site. Discharge from the incision particularly if its not clear and thin. A foul smell emanating from the incision.
In most cases the best way to limit your dogs activity after a spay or neuter is a crate exercise pen or a small room blocked off by a baby gate. Some dogs may need and benefit from mildly sedating medications andor supplements prescribed by a veterinarian. Avoid bathing and swimming for at least a month after the spay if not longer.
This includes sponge baths unless otherwise directed by your vet. Keep their sleeping area clean. Most people wash their dogs bedding a few times per year.
Youll want to wash her bed before her spay and then put some sort of blanket or sheet etc over top of it. When you cannot supervise her activity level put her in her crate. Do not present the crate as punishment.
Treat the crate as though it is her private boudoir for rest and sanctuary. Remind the kids that their companion doesnt feel like playing and assure them that if they let her rest she will be ready and raring to go again soon. Thanks for sending me the photos of your dogs spay incision.
These really help me to give you an answer. Here is the before photo. And here is the after photo.
This does look like something that you should have the vet look at. It is definitely not normal for the incision to look puffy and swollen like this 12 days after surgery. Cindy Houlihan DVM and owner of The Cat Practicein Birmingham Michigan says its important to monitor your cats behavior for two weeks after the operation.
The first 48 hours are especially important. Her daily checklist includes. Any signs of bleeding or discharge particularly on the first day.
Make sure to clean the lump with warm water before an infection takes place. How long does it take for a dog to recover from castration. Most skin cuts after spaying and neutering have completely healed within about 10-14 days which coincides with the time in which seams on your dogs incision will have to be removed.
Make sure they have easy access to food and water and avoid handling your rabbit whenever possible. You will also need to administer pain medication and monitor for infection around the surgical incision. In most cases the spay or neuter surgery goes completely smoothly.
Spaying can help prevent uterine infection reduce the risk of mammary cancer prevent unwanted pregnancy and avoid the behaviors that come with heat cycling. While it is possible to spay a dog when they are in heat the spay becomes a much riskier surgery. The tissue is more fragile and prone to tearing and bleeding.
Complications from anesthesia while relatively rare do occur. If your dog has any sensitivity to anesthesia tell your vet. Of course for most female dogs spaying is the first time anesthesia is ever administered.
Discuss the type of anesthesia used with your vet before the surgery. Despite the fact that a spay operation is a major surgery serious complications after the event are uncommon and monitoring your dog and the incision site can help to prevent many of them. One of the main risks after surgery is the potential for infection and so while the incision site may look a little angry and new it should not be overly.
An infection post surgery may be prevented in a number of ways. Getting antibiotics prior to the surgery which will minimize the chances of infection after the procedure. You will have to administer the antibiotics for 6 to 10 days as indicated by the vet but make sure not to stop the treatment before indicated.
As long as there is ample room in the cage for your cat to do her feline stretches and use her litter box its perfectly fine. Your spayed cat should have cage rest for 7 days. Provide food in small frequent meals.
An hour after your cat comes home you can give ¼ of your cats normal food portion. A spay also known as an ovariohysterectomy is a common procedure that is performed on female cats. Spaying is performed to sterilize cats which means they can no longer have kittens.
There are many benefits to spaying your cat. Spaying prevents uterine infections pyometra significantly reduces the risk of mammary cancer when performed. Buying a comfortable cat bed where your feline can curl up or hunker down is also a good idea.
Cat care after a spay is like care for a person after an appendix removal. A comfortable resting spot is highly valuable. You could also utilize a cat enclosure for added security.
The stump of uterine tissue as it is termed by veterinarians is very susceptible to pyometra. Further when a uterine stump develops pyometra diagnosis is often delayed because it is initially assumed that there is no uterine tissue remaining after a spay. The delay can be very dangerous as the infection can spread rapidly.
An infection of a surgical wound can delay healing and cause additional pain and discomfort. Knowing what to do if you spot signs of a surgical site infection may prevent serious complications. Surgical site infections are the leading cause of hospital readmission after surgery according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Open wounds after spaying. By Hannah Maddock Calgary AB CANADA. In fact since it is infected having the area open will allow any fluid and puss to drain out and will prevent the infection from being sealed in.
If the technician did not start your kitten on antibiotics though you should go back to the veterinarian right away. Can anyone please help. The vet told me that my cat has an infection following spay surgery.
She also has a red rash near the incision. Im really worried as she keeps licking herself incl the incision area. Im keeping a highly vigilant eye on her and try to stop her licking the site.